Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Mona Lisa Thread Portrait

Lebanon-based custom tailors Ejjeh & Sons recently renovated their shop and decided to promote the changes with a modern art installation. The company commissioned advertising agency République Beirut and the team produced this depiction of the Mona Lisa created out of 2,156 spools of thread in 63 colors. With the pixelated custom-design, the shop hopes to appeal to a broader audience and to draw in a new generation of customers.
The interpretation of the classic portrait took ten designers working for three months to plan it out. One by one and row by row, the various shades of thread were placed onto a pegboard, which took about nine hours to complete. The installation is prominently displayed through the glass of the storefront where passers-by can check out the intricate image and, ideally, be intrigued to find out more about the clothing inside.

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